The Buddha indicates the highest spiritual being, which exists in each of us. Buddha literally means, “enlightened one” or more simply, “the one who knows”.
Dharma is the Truth and the ultimate reality.
And Sangha is generally referred to as Community.
For many years I have felt like the first two refuges are perfectly sound ones, but have struggled with that of community; especially in a society like ours, where businesses are run by large corporations from another state, neighborhoods are gated, while people turn to each other less and to the TV or internet more. The internet, though it can act as another isolating media form, has also somehow started reinventing the idea of community with social networks, blogs, etc, where people with similar interests or beliefs can connect over fast geographic spaces. This phenomenon may be testament to the enduring need of humans to seek community, even in new forms.
Recently I have found fresh perspective on my personal relationship to community with a group of people with whom I study holistic nutrition and wellness. Whether it has been getting excited about new greens and grains, or discussing the challenges and rewards of meditation, I finally feel the indisputable benefits of a community of like-focused individuals. Because it’s just easier to find your strength, your Buddha, your Truth— amid the loving (non-judgmental) support of people doing the same in their own lives. And although many of the ways of organizing community may be changing from those utilized in the 19th and 20th centuries; community meets the need that each of us has for meaningful relationship that affirms our truest desires and goals.
So I’d like to extend thanks to all the friends, family, and colleagues that presently make up my various sanghas. My journey grows richer every day with your presence and support.
Love you too sista!--adam